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Aquarium \Oceanarium\ is located in Kołobrzeg, Poland on aleja I Armii Wojska Polskiego 6C. Aquarium \Oceanarium\ is rated 2.9 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY] in Poland.
It was too expensive / not worth it. The fish have very little room and I felt sorry for them.
I agree with other reviews. Name “oceanarium” is misleading. It’s very small. Not worth the price. We also felt sorry for the animals.
The tanks are way too small and are really overcrowded. Most of the animals, especially the bigger fish look miserable
Beautiful a lot of fish I loved the place you relax watching them swim.
Only few expositions. It's not Oceanarium but mini version of it. Tickets are sure expensive. I dont recommend to visit this place.
horrible place, both for children and animals
Some tanks seemed humane. There were also some that seemed overcrowded. The sharks needed more space especially. Their species is known to need plenty of space. This place is on the right track, it just needs work.
Shameful. If you love animals it's better don't go there. There are a lot of fish in the same tanks,and this tanks are really small, and a lot of fish aren't looking healthy.The small shark is going to be crazy because of the size of the tank it is always going to knock its head against the walls of the thank. I'm impressed for how people can deal animals only for making money. This is a real torture, not recommended!! And, if I could I would rated this place like -5 stars. Animals are alive and you can't treat them like if they are things. I literary want this fake oceanium close.
Aquarium \Oceanarium\
aleja I Armii Wojska Polskiego 6C78-100 KołobrzegPoland
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